Excel Gold Cup 2025 Predictor
We present the new “Excel Gold Cup 2025 Excel Schedule”. Our next fixture of a national team tournament. This summer comes together with editions of the Eurocup U21 (in spanish) and also with Women’s World Cup 2023 Excel, of which we had already taken editions in other years, but with the Gold Cup we make our debut with this spreadsheet.
There is a tradition that already exists in some places and in others it’s growing little by little, which is to organize some sweepstakes of national team tournaments (also known as predictor, pool, simulator, “quiniela”, etc). People use them in the workplace as a way to create a kind of gaming between colleagues or departments, in bars, with a group of friends, and in various communities. The purpose of this excel is varied: it serves both as a fixture to follow the Gold Cup and it also serves as a pool, predictor, simulator in excel of the Gold Cup 2025 Excel Schedule.
Not all the teams that will participate in the final stage are yet known yet, as there are several teams that have to play the preliminary to qualify. In this excel file you can also fill in the preliminary phase (although in this case the predictor game does not include this preliminar stage).

The Gold Cup tournament is special this year: it’s the previous tournament before the America Cup 2024 and World Cup 2026
The competition format starts with a 4-group stage. The first 2 teams of each group qualify for the quarterfinals. The winners of the quarterfinal round advance to the semifinals and the winners of this stage compete for the title in the final match.
SandruskDesign helped us again in the spreadsheet design. From here, we want to thank you again for your advice and your valuable time.
Excel Gold Cup Simulator

Working with the excel file is very simple: in the preliminary phase you can write down the results that are given to see which teams qualify for the final group stage.
In the group stage you just have to fill in the grey boxes with the results that you think will be given. In case of a draw in the group standings between two or more teams, you can select the order of those national teams.
From quarterfinals onwards, the matches are placed automatically and the grey cells must be filled in. In case that the result entered is a draw, two other grey cells will be opened on the sides, to undo the draw and select wich team advances to the next stage. At the end you have to write who you think will be the best player, the best goalkeeper and the top scorer. In the download file there is also a file with the instructions.
The file can serve as a excel schedule, predictor, fixture, simulator, sweeptstake (you can try differente results to see who would be classified according to the results).
Download Excel Gold Cup 2025
Comments to the Excel File
- Last update: Soon
- This file serves both as a fixture and as a user file for the Gold Cup sweeptstake.
- The Download comes with the excel file.
In addition, for those of you who want to manage the sweepstake, or simulator in Excel of the Gold Cup, you can also use the pool administrator file along with the instructions.
Download the ADMINISTRATOR file
Comments on the admin file:
- Last update: Available soon
- There are diferent versions depending on the number of participants. The version of this post will include up to 5 players. If you need a version for more than 5 participants, click on the image to access different options. (not yet available)
- The Download comes with the excel file and two pdf’s with the instructions on how to organize the pool with the excel.
As always, any correction, suggestion, comment that you want to make will be welcome. You can comment on anything related to the Gold Cup, who is your favorite, the rules you use in your group to help others who have never played with their friends, where you read us from, how many people are you, how you make the predictions, suggest scores , etc. Thank you very much to all.
¡Enjoy it!
If it has been of your interest you can collaborate with a small donation.
Just tried to download the file via the link in email, but there is no Excel spreadsheet. There is just a txt saying download not yet available. What is going on here?
Hi Brian,
I apologize for the earlier confusion. I’m pleased to inform you that the issue has been resolved, and the Excel spreadsheet is now available for download. Please try accessing the download link again, and you should be able to retrieve the file.
Good Day. Just an FYI, Curacao is out of the tournament due to COVID protocols and has been replaced by Guatemala in Group A. Thank you.
Thanks Donald.
Great!! Thank you very much!!