Excel Eurocup Administrator 2024
In this page you can obtain the versions of the administrator file of the Euro 2024 pool for more than 5 players.
Before getting this file, I RECOMMEND YOU TO TEST THE VERSION OF 5 PLAYERS (available for free), TO VERIFY THAT IS WHAT YOU NEED.
1) The file is made with Microsoft Excel 2016 for MAC (16.82). If you use earlier versions of Excel, some functions may not work correctly. 2) The file is sold without any guarantee. The author is not responsible for damages, inaccuracies or losses of any kind caused by the use of the file. 3) You use the file at your own risk. 4) The sale price is in Euros (€). 5) The purchase and use license is unique. 6) This file cannot be resold to third parties or customers and cannot be distributed. 7) This purchase is not refundable. 8) The password is not provided and the file cannot be unlocked. 9) This file is only valid for the Euro 2024 and cannot be modified for other subsequent tournaments. 10) There is no obligation on the part of the author to send updates. 11) If there is an error, the author is not committed to resolve it. 12) Versions of more than 5 participants are slower than the version of up to 5 participants. 13) The “Stats” sheet is not essential for the file to work. However, to correctly view the data on this sheet, you need a version of Excel higher than 2021. Excel 2021 is not necessary for the rest of the file.
If you agree with all of terms above, click on the “Download” button of the desired option to aquire it. Once the payment has been made correctly, you will receive an e-mail with a download link.